Tea with Chismosas : Arts & Poetry Edition

At the beginning of August, back in Madrid, I decided to do a gathering inspired by Cuban celebrations and get together with some fellow artists to celebrate art and friendship. Just for the sake of it.

The majority of the participants in this iteration were Gen Z artists belonging to various diaspora communities. We shared the Cuban-style cake that Cristina had made for us ( full interview in my previous entry), in which it can be red : Unidas por el Arte (United by Art).

Analogously to my last performance, I asked this group of poets and creatives to bring a “Love Letter”, opened to their artistic interpretation . I gave them similar guidelines to my last project:

The idea is that you bring a poem, text, song or artistic thing in general (your own or by another author).

“Write it to an enemy, a family member, your culture, a state of mind… something or someone you love but are critical about. Anyone or anything.”

See you x

We also took this chance to catch up , and shared our worries and desires for the future. After the gathering we all expressed our wish to repeat it soon , maybe even going for other specific themes.

Summary of the gathering

Unfortunately, I did not have time to translate everything, but I have asked for their poems and I believe I will collect and translate them soon.

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