Some Bibliography

  • Power: The Essential Works of Michel Foucault 1954-1984 , Mitchel Foucault (Penguin Editions 2002)
  • Faucault and Feminism : Power, Gender and the Self, Lois McNay (Polity Press 1992)
  • The Bonds of Love : Psychoanalisis, Feminism and the Problem of Domination , Jessica Benjamin (Pantheon Books New York 1988)
  • Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, Gloria Anzaldúa (Aunt Lute Books 1987)
  • All About Love, bell hooks (William Morrow edition , 2000)
  • The Second Sex (1949) , Simone De Beauvoir, translated by Constance Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevalier (Vintage Books , A Division of Ramdom House, INC, New York, 2009)
  • Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, Judith Butler (Routledge Classics 2006)
  • The World’s Wife, Carol Ann Duffy (Picador 1999)
  • ‘Love Kills Capitalism’ in A World to Win, Grace Blakely (Spotify 2021)
  • King Kong Theory , Virginie Despentes (Fitzcarraldo Editions 2020)
  • A Girl’s Soty, Annie Ernaux (Fitzcarraldo Editions 2020)

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