Casi Casi Amelie

Casi Casi Amelie no te tuve pero te quise y que te quería no lo sabía te solté rápido te dejé sin hogar no te di la vida que te estaba destinada mi dolor pudo más mi dolor fue más  me dejaron sin corazón y yo te deje sin vida yo me quede sin corazón … Continue reading Casi Casi Amelie

‘Altar al Amor’ (Altar of Love)

I am fascinated by Syncretism, as in ‘the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought’. Syncretism is central in the encompassing of Cuban culture. Some of my most vivid experiences of syncretism have been those regarding religious syncretism , Cuban Santería. Santería a pantheistic Afro-Cuban folk religion developed by mixing… Continue reading ‘Altar al Amor’ (Altar of Love)

Amalia’s Love Letter

@amavaras ‘La perla es espléndida y preciosa.Nace del dolor.Nace cuando una ostra es herida.Cuando un granito de arena, una impureza, penetra en su interior, la concha produce la madreperla, con la cual lo recubre para proteger el propio cuerpo. Al final se habráformado una hermosa perla, brillante ypreciosa. Si no es herida, la ostra no… Continue reading Amalia’s Love Letter

Notes & Thoughts On Boris Groys’ ‘Liquid Times’

In this book Boris Groys analyses the cultural constructs of our time, like the museum or the internet , articulating a rheology (fluidity ) of Art . He reflects upon contemporary terminologies such as activism, aestheticization, infection and transgression and their incorporation into the modern understanding of the Art world. He makes three points that… Continue reading Notes & Thoughts On Boris Groys’ ‘Liquid Times’

Recreating my Quinces : A Collaboration with Daria Lazo

Celebrating Los Quince (15th Birthday) is a popular tradition in most parts of Latin America. It is celebrated with a lavish ritual that is supposed to mark the transition into a woman. This tradition came from the Spanish colonial times, when bourgeoisie who were settling down in the continent needed an event to present the… Continue reading Recreating my Quinces : A Collaboration with Daria Lazo

A Manifesto for the Gen Z: Key Notes on Legacy Russel’s ‘Glitch Feminism’

One of the best discoveries of the year has been Glitch Feminism by Legacy Russel. She introduces this collection of essays as a ‘manifesto’ , and it has certainly sparked something within me. She conceives the Glitch as a form of refusal : ‘Gender has been used as a weapon against its own populace. The… Continue reading A Manifesto for the Gen Z: Key Notes on Legacy Russel’s ‘Glitch Feminism’

Isa’s Love Letter

Querida Pequeña Isabel, Crecer en el ambiente en el que creciste no fue fácil. Perteneciste a dos mundos diferentes desde el momento en el que naciste. Encontrar tu identidad no ha sido fácil, más aún cuando una parte de esa identidad te rechaza. Tienes una madre de República Dominicana y un padre que es de… Continue reading Isa’s Love Letter

Francisca Sosa López & American Artist: Two Case Studies

Recently I came across of two artist whose work I feel resonates with different areas of my project. In her work Desvarío incesante de una historia de amor persistente (sobre mi país ), 2019 Sosa López weaved a 2,043-word love letter to her home country of Venezuela into the fabric of the furniture in her… Continue reading Francisca Sosa López & American Artist: Two Case Studies