‘Performance is powerful. It’s abandoning yourself to something greater than you.’

Abigaille (@abigaille__) from The Dinner Party (@thedinnerpartyband) talks about her love for performance ♪ ‘For me performing is the only time where I am truly peaceful. It’s strange because performing on stage in front of people is an all consuming outpouring of emotions, a relentless full body experience that doesn’t end until you get down. Despite… Continue reading ‘Performance is powerful. It’s abandoning yourself to something greater than you.’

‘Tea with Chismosas : Love, Gender and Capitalism’

We explore the idea of having tea playing with its modern double meaning (as in gossiping). We “spread the tea” about topics such as going on dates to afford dinner and having to pass as cisgender in order to get a job. ‘Chismosas’ is Latin American slang that refers to women who enjoy coming together… Continue reading ‘Tea with Chismosas : Love, Gender and Capitalism’

Dada, Surrealism & Community

I often find myself thinking about the Dada and Surrealism, particularly about the Cologne Dada Exhibition of 1920 and the London International Surrealist Exhibition of 1936.  The first was organised by Ernst, Baargeld and Arp and is known to be one of the most controversial exhibitions to ever been launched, focused on nonsense and anti-bourgeois… Continue reading Dada, Surrealism & Community

Some Bibliography

Power: The Essential Works of Michel Foucault 1954-1984 , Mitchel Foucault (Penguin Editions 2002) Faucault and Feminism : Power, Gender and the Self, Lois McNay (Polity Press 1992) The Bonds of Love : Psychoanalisis, Feminism and the Problem of Domination , Jessica Benjamin (Pantheon Books New York 1988) Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, Gloria Anzaldúa… Continue reading Some Bibliography

En Defensa de un Arte Mestizo (In Defense of a Mestizo Art)

High Art is dead and Love has killed it. Nowadays, Love (despite being a central theme in human culture) is often disregarded in the Art world, not considered respectable, revolutionary or ground-breaking enough. I find this dangerous, because there is an underlying association of love with “the feminine”, exposing how the art world is shaped… Continue reading En Defensa de un Arte Mestizo (In Defense of a Mestizo Art)

Revolutionary Love

After writing my Diary of Uncertainties I became intrigued by the oppositional relationship between Love and abuse, and how it goes beyond the individual realm, shaping our material reality and societal power dynamics. In this line, I was also left to wonder whether assimilated romanticization of colonialism reinforces machista culture in the Latin-American context. Reading… Continue reading Revolutionary Love