Tea with Chismosas : Arts & Poetry Edition

At the beginning of August, back in Madrid, I decided to do a gathering inspired by Cuban celebrations and get together with some fellow artists to celebrate art and friendship. Just for the sake of it. The majority of the participants in this iteration were Gen Z artists belonging to various diaspora communities. We shared… Continue reading Tea with Chismosas : Arts & Poetry Edition

Cuban Cake Tradition :An interview with Cristina (a Cuban cake-maker)

Image taken from the article ‘The Art of Carrying Cakes in Cuba’ (1) Cake is one fundamental pillar of Cuban culture. There is no celebration or friendly gathering without a cake, as it quite literally is a national right. Yes, even the Cuban government subsidies cakes in special occasions such us children’s birthdays, weddings, Quinces… Continue reading Cuban Cake Tradition :An interview with Cristina (a Cuban cake-maker)

Feedback from my last blog entry

Overall the feedback I have received from my last entry was positive. Generally, all of the comments agreed that they found the text’s structure and my writing style (as a way of communicating theory) very approachable. A lot of the comments remarked that it was refreshing to read about theorists and artists that they hadn’t… Continue reading Feedback from my last blog entry

How can the exploration of Patriarchy, Colonialism and Capitalism (as intersectional systems ) be used to reclaim lost subjectivity within a Latinx context ?

‘What the Water Gave Me‘, Frida Kahlo, 1938 The other day while I was researching these topics I came across a book called Intersectionality: An Intellectual History  by Ange-Marie Hancock, which calls out the lack of intersectionality within the academic circles that , ironically, work around Intersectionality . The author specifically denounces the privileging of… Continue reading How can the exploration of Patriarchy, Colonialism and Capitalism (as intersectional systems ) be used to reclaim lost subjectivity within a Latinx context ?

Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 3 (Intersectionality, Patricial Hill Collins and Antonio Benítez Rojo)

Intersectionality: an intellectual history, Ange-Marie Hancock , New York : Oxford University Press USA – OSO, 2016 Intersectional Power ‘While recent scholarship afforded Foucault, Judith Butler, and other European poststructuralist scholars a prominent role in the genealogy of intersectionality in Europe (see Lykke 2011), as Vivian May helpfully articulates, “Citational practices … offer a way… Continue reading Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 3 (Intersectionality, Patricial Hill Collins and Antonio Benítez Rojo)

Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 2 (“Bad Taste”, Performance Art, Gloria Anzaldúa and Audre Lorde)

Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, Gloria Anzaldúa , 1987 – “The Gringo , locked into the fiction of White superiority, seized to complete political power., stripping Indians and Mexicans of their land while their feet were still rooted in it  ”p.7 MOVIMIENTOS DE REBELDIA – She feels she is very Mexican /chicana in her blood… Continue reading Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 2 (“Bad Taste”, Performance Art, Gloria Anzaldúa and Audre Lorde)

Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 1(Love and Power, On Foucault )

Michel Foucault on Power Critique of  the Subject. He agrees with the decentring of the subject as does Marx and Freud (Before the prevalent discourse was Cartesian , the subject determines reality “Cogito Ergo Sum”) However, Foucault did not entertain any hope of recovering the lost transparency of the subject (as Heidegger did) at a… Continue reading Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 1(Love and Power, On Foucault )

‘kiss & Tell’

As part of my intervention I decided to do an interactive performance piece, as a way of testing my current research question—‘How can I use multidisciplinary performance to explore the intersection between the systems of Patriarchy, Colonialism and Capitalism?’ This performance had two parts : The Love Letters I asked people from different backgrounds to… Continue reading ‘kiss & Tell’

The Love Letters

Dear Maya One awakens with the sun One awakens with the moon Candles shall be lightened and melodies shall come soon… The Rituals of today in transcended time, Transfigured spaces that once I called “mine” While the roses spring outside my window I observe the flow of marbled creatures who once had the nerve to… Continue reading The Love Letters