Isa’s Love Letter

Querida Pequeña Isabel, Crecer en el ambiente en el que creciste no fue fácil. Perteneciste a dos mundos diferentes desde el momento en el que naciste. Encontrar tu identidad no ha sido fácil, más aún cuando una parte de esa identidad te rechaza. Tienes una madre de República Dominicana y un padre que es de… Continue reading Isa’s Love Letter

Claudia’s Love Letter

Living in between Spain and Cuba, Claudia Pérez brings us a series of photographs and thoughts that she captured while in her recent trip back to La Habana. “Lo que capta de Cuba una joven que no reside en Cuba pero que se siente parte allí”. ⇣ ⇡

‘We ate cake with our hands, now we should be able to rebel against anything’

Since my days as a young girl I have been keeping within me this profound desire to lose myself in cake and fill my hands with its delicious creaminess… To merge with it as if succumbing to an almost cannibalistic instinct .  Why? I honestly couldn’t say exactly. It could simply be an impulsive response… Continue reading ‘We ate cake with our hands, now we should be able to rebel against anything’

Tea with Chismosas : Arts & Poetry Edition

At the beginning of August, back in Madrid, I decided to do a gathering inspired by Cuban celebrations and get together with some fellow artists to celebrate art and friendship. Just for the sake of it. The majority of the participants in this iteration were Gen Z artists belonging to various diaspora communities. We shared… Continue reading Tea with Chismosas : Arts & Poetry Edition

‘kiss & Tell’

As part of my intervention I decided to do an interactive performance piece, as a way of testing my current research question—‘How can I use multidisciplinary performance to explore the intersection between the systems of Patriarchy, Colonialism and Capitalism?’ This performance had two parts : The Love Letters I asked people from different backgrounds to… Continue reading ‘kiss & Tell’

The Love Letters

Dear Maya One awakens with the sun One awakens with the moon Candles shall be lightened and melodies shall come soon… The Rituals of today in transcended time, Transfigured spaces that once I called “mine” While the roses spring outside my window I observe the flow of marbled creatures who once had the nerve to… Continue reading The Love Letters

‘Tea with Chismosas : Love, Gender and Capitalism’

We explore the idea of having tea playing with its modern double meaning (as in gossiping). We “spread the tea” about topics such as going on dates to afford dinner and having to pass as cisgender in order to get a job. ‘Chismosas’ is Latin American slang that refers to women who enjoy coming together… Continue reading ‘Tea with Chismosas : Love, Gender and Capitalism’