Notes & Thoughts On Boris Groys’ ‘Liquid Times’

In this book Boris Groys analyses the cultural constructs of our time, like the museum or the internet , articulating a rheology (fluidity ) of Art . He reflects upon contemporary terminologies such as activism, aestheticization, infection and transgression and their incorporation into the modern understanding of the Art world. He makes three points that… Continue reading Notes & Thoughts On Boris Groys’ ‘Liquid Times’

A Manifesto for the Gen Z: Key Notes on Legacy Russel’s ‘Glitch Feminism’

One of the best discoveries of the year has been Glitch Feminism by Legacy Russel. She introduces this collection of essays as a ‘manifesto’ , and it has certainly sparked something within me. She conceives the Glitch as a form of refusal : ‘Gender has been used as a weapon against its own populace. The… Continue reading A Manifesto for the Gen Z: Key Notes on Legacy Russel’s ‘Glitch Feminism’

Liquid Thoughts : Reflections after reading Zygmunt Bauman’s works

‘Unlike knowledge, wisdom does not age”[1] claims Bauman in the first page of his book Liquid Times : Living in the Age of Uncertainty . And indeed, while knowledge is subjected to matters of time and space, wisdom appears to be transcendent. Throughout this collection of essays, he attempts to draw an analysis of the… Continue reading Liquid Thoughts : Reflections after reading Zygmunt Bauman’s works

Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 3 (Intersectionality, Patricial Hill Collins and Antonio Benítez Rojo)

Intersectionality: an intellectual history, Ange-Marie Hancock , New York : Oxford University Press USA – OSO, 2016 Intersectional Power ‘While recent scholarship afforded Foucault, Judith Butler, and other European poststructuralist scholars a prominent role in the genealogy of intersectionality in Europe (see Lykke 2011), as Vivian May helpfully articulates, “Citational practices … offer a way… Continue reading Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 3 (Intersectionality, Patricial Hill Collins and Antonio Benítez Rojo)

Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 2 (“Bad Taste”, Performance Art, Gloria Anzaldúa and Audre Lorde)

Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, Gloria Anzaldúa , 1987 – “The Gringo , locked into the fiction of White superiority, seized to complete political power., stripping Indians and Mexicans of their land while their feet were still rooted in it  ”p.7 MOVIMIENTOS DE REBELDIA – She feels she is very Mexican /chicana in her blood… Continue reading Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 2 (“Bad Taste”, Performance Art, Gloria Anzaldúa and Audre Lorde)

Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 1(Love and Power, On Foucault )

Michel Foucault on Power Critique of  the Subject. He agrees with the decentring of the subject as does Marx and Freud (Before the prevalent discourse was Cartesian , the subject determines reality “Cogito Ergo Sum”) However, Foucault did not entertain any hope of recovering the lost transparency of the subject (as Heidegger did) at a… Continue reading Quotes, Notes & Transcripts : Part 1(Love and Power, On Foucault )